Sunday, 7 August 2016

Welcome to Term 3!

We welcome two new students to room 6 Niall and Siena. They have both settled in quickly and I hope that you are enjoying being in room 6, we certainly are lucky to have you both with us!

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Term 2 The story so far!

Well we have had a busy first couple of weeks and the term doesn't seem to be slowing down! We also had a fantastic clay session at the museum. We looked at a platoon of feet created by Helen Pollock and created our own clay hand pieces. We are looking forward to see how they have turned out! We had our first water safety session at Riverside Pool this week which was great fun and we learnt some new skills. We will be going every Monday for the next 7 weeks so remember to pack your togs!

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Suter visit- Euan Macleod

We have been to visit the painting exhibition at the Suter. We looked at the paintings carefully and looked for detail, drawing what we could actually see not what we thought was there! Thanks to all the parents who came along to help.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Museum visit- Vital Statistics

We went to the museum to look at and learn more about measurement. We had a great time thanks to Nicki and all the parents and grandmas who came to help. We started with some questions at school, one of them was; is your height the same as the span of your arms?


Welcome to Room 6 2016 class blog. We have had a busy term and we still have more in store. Here are some photos of some of the things we have been up to so far. Here is Sam. He represented New Zealand in gymnastics last year and came 2nd in his group and won high bar. He came in to talk to room 6 as we were goal setting. He talked about trying your best, keep trying even if you don't succeed the first time and most importantly have fun and keep smiling. The children enjoyed wearing his medals. Zaffryn said it was good to feel like a winner!